Sunday, April 30, 2017

Knife grinder blog

In the chapter knife grinder their is a group of people called the gypsies and they came into black swan green looking for a home.The people in black swan green had a town meeting about if they should let the gypsies stay or not stay.then the people in the town are saying that the gypsies are bad people and they have bad luck,So they decided to not let them stay in the village.after the meeting jason went go hang out with Dean family and they play around,after they finished playing on Jason way home he saw Ross Wilcox "So I slipped into the ivy-choked bus shelter before anyone spotted me".after he hide he got discovered by squelch,So Jason Ran into the woods and he went to the bathroom and the dogs took his bag and Jason ending up chasing the dogs and that's when he found out where the gypies live after the village didn't want. them.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Maggot blog

I was very sad what happened to Jason in the chapter maggot.David Mitchell choose the title maggot because he show us how Jason was getting bullied by Ross,Gary, and Neal because they'd seem him standing in the line with his mother to watch "Chariots Of Fire". Also Leon Cutler, who was a loser, muttered that Jason was a loser. The boys laughed at him and even called him named as he tried to solve the math problems.also when Jason was reading in class every one found out his stammering problem and every one laughed at him.Jason joined the unpopular kids in there changing area at P.E. this went so worng for Jason even the unpopular kids are picking on him now what else could go worng for Jason. Ross and Gary tackled him during the game. Mr. Mcnamara punished Wilcox and Drake.when Jason got off the bus Ross and the others stated to bullied him,Jason try to defend himself but it wasn't a strong come think it can get better for Jason?if they continue to bullied Jason what do you think he might do?

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

souvenirs blog

In the chapter souvenirs begins with Jason went with his father to a conference in lyme regis.Jason and his father made plans to have dinner together that night and also watch chariots of fire at the movie theater.i was happy that Jason dad take him out to eat because they don't a good relationship and it's good to see they are having a good time.the next day Jason explored the towns and checked jewelry shops for Omega seamasters but couldn't fine jeweler suggested he try antique.then Jason dad ran into his boss and they were having a conversation about the Omega seamasters and he wouldn't take his son side but he takes his boss side.I was really shocks how he didn't take his son side because it shows us how he thinks what other people say about him,but he makes it up with Jason by going to the beach and flying kits.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Solarium blog

The chapter solarium is very interesting and I'm very happy to see Jason found some that he can fit in with.Jason went to the vicarage believing he had an appointment with the vicar to discuss his poetry but instead he met an old lady named Eva van outryve de crommelynck and she want to discuss his poetry.she talk about rocks and how Jason talk about his mother and father.Jason couldn't tell anyone about his problem so the talk to him was through his poetry that he was able to say the thinks he felt he couldn't say with his own voice.she also taught about word choice and beauty.the discussion was difficult for Jason because he never learns about this.also she told him to write from his heart and not from what he see.Jason keep going to her every because I think that they see them self in each you think there bound going to get stronger and how would there relationship turn out?