Saturday, April 22, 2017

Maggot blog

I was very sad what happened to Jason in the chapter maggot.David Mitchell choose the title maggot because he show us how Jason was getting bullied by Ross,Gary, and Neal because they'd seem him standing in the line with his mother to watch "Chariots Of Fire". Also Leon Cutler, who was a loser, muttered that Jason was a loser. The boys laughed at him and even called him named as he tried to solve the math problems.also when Jason was reading in class every one found out his stammering problem and every one laughed at him.Jason joined the unpopular kids in there changing area at P.E. this went so worng for Jason even the unpopular kids are picking on him now what else could go worng for Jason. Ross and Gary tackled him during the game. Mr. Mcnamara punished Wilcox and Drake.when Jason got off the bus Ross and the others stated to bullied him,Jason try to defend himself but it wasn't a strong come think it can get better for Jason?if they continue to bullied Jason what do you think he might do?

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