Sunday, April 30, 2017

Knife grinder blog

In the chapter knife grinder their is a group of people called the gypsies and they came into black swan green looking for a home.The people in black swan green had a town meeting about if they should let the gypsies stay or not stay.then the people in the town are saying that the gypsies are bad people and they have bad luck,So they decided to not let them stay in the village.after the meeting jason went go hang out with Dean family and they play around,after they finished playing on Jason way home he saw Ross Wilcox "So I slipped into the ivy-choked bus shelter before anyone spotted me".after he hide he got discovered by squelch,So Jason Ran into the woods and he went to the bathroom and the dogs took his bag and Jason ending up chasing the dogs and that's when he found out where the gypies live after the village didn't want. them.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you mention that part about Squelch. He could've ratted Jason out but he remained silent. Would this mean that some kids in the higher ranking class still think that Jason's cool and they're just not saying anything because they don't want to lose their ranking?
